Radically Transparent | Fairly Priced | Quality, Holistic Care

Temple Care Family Practice pricing infographic detailing pay-as-you-go and bundled plan options, including costs for various medical services and lab tests.
Image showing a detailed list of medical services and their pricing under 'Cash-Pay' and 'DPC Bundle' options. Services include ear wax removal, skin tag removal, laceration repair, EKG, vision tests, and various medications and treatments. Costs and selling prices are provided for each service, with DPC Bundle offering some services as unlimited or yearly inclusions.


Temple Wellness hormone therapies pricing and services for women's and men's health.
Temple Wellness weight management program pricing and titration schedule for medications like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide.
Infographic for Temple Wellness IV therapies, detailing costs and benefits for various mixes such as "Living Water," "Manna Boost," "Balm of Gilead," "Morning Mercies," "Run & Not Grow Weary," "Nehemiah’s Rebuild," and "Serenity Now." Each mix includes ingredients like vitamins, minerals, and other compounds aimed at enhancing wellness, immunity, and stress relief.
IV therapy menu listing three treatments: "Serenity Now" anti-stress mix for $70, "Purified Path" detox mix for $64, and "Beauty for Ashes" skin rejuvenation for $115. Details include ingredients like magnesium, B-complex, glutathione, and benefits such as stress reduction and skin improvement. "Temple Wellness" branding.
Temple Wellness pricing for wellness programs and lab tests. Includes hormone panels, weight loss, food sensitivity, arthritis, STD, hepatitis, anemia, thyroid panels, and various other lab tests with associated costs and selling prices. Cash-pay prices listed, with insurance options indicated.
List of individual wellness lab tests with costs and selling prices, including Magnesium, Preg-Urine, Prolactin, PSA, Progesterone, PTH, RF, RPR with Reflex, Quant-TB Gold, Sed Rate, SHBG, T3 Free, T4 Free, T4 Total, Testosterone Free/Total, TPO, TSH, Uric Acid, Urine Culture, Valproic Acid, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D-25.

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